Can plants hear? Do they like music or is it just another urban legend?
The idea might sound strange, but over the years, several studies have indicated that our green friends may respond to sound waves and vibrations created by musical sounds.
How Can Plants Hear?

How could music influence plant growth if plants don't have ears? Sound is transmitted in the form of waves. When you listen to music, those sound waves create vibrations in the air, which makes your eardrum vibrate. In the same way, sound vibrations can be caught up by plants. Plants don't "hear", but they feel the vibrations of sound waves.
These vibrations might speed up the protoplasm movement. Protoplasm is the living content of plant cells and is in a state of constant motion. Sound waves could also enhance the plant system performance, promoting a stronger plant.
Studies On Positive Effect of Music on Plants

Believe it or not, numerous studies have indicated that playing music for plants could actually encourage faster and healthier growth.
In 1962, Dr. T. C. Singh, an Indian botanist head of the Botany Department at India's Annamalia University, conducted different experiments on the effect of music on plants growth. He found that certain plants grew 20% more in height and 72% more in biomass when exposed to music.
He had similar results also with crops like peanuts, rice and tobacco. The size of crops increased to between 25 to 60% above the regional average.
Singh also experimented with the effects of barefoot dancing: several flowering plants, including petunias and marigold, bloomed two weeks earlier than the control.
George Smith, a botanist and agricultural researcher from Illinois, was cynical about music effects on plants, so he started a few greenhouse experiments. He planted corn and soybeans in two separate greenhouses; inside one greenhouse, he played music 24 hours a day. The botanist discovered that soy and corn plants exposed to music were thicker and greener. He decided to keep producing corn using music.
Two researchers at the University of Ottawa experimented with high-frequency vibrations. They discovered that wheat crops nearly doubled when exposed to those vibrations.

That being said, some researchers at the University of California aren’t sure about the effects of music on plant growth. They believe there is no undeniable scientific evidence that proves it, and further scientific tests are needed, with a stronger control on light, water and soil composition. However, they do indicate that plants exposed to music may do better because plant owners who like to listen to music for their green friends, also tend to dedicate them special care and attention. Interesting, right?
If you want to know more about the topic, you can read about some other experiments in The Secret Life of Plants (1973) by Peter Tompkins and Christopher Bird.
Still Doubtful?
We understand. Why don't you try the effect of music on plants on your own?
Follow us on Spotify, play our tailor-made playlists and see if your Pilea starts thriving when listening to those vibes!
And remember: each music genre creates different sound waves and vibrations. Louder music, like rock, will generate higher pressure; classical music will have lower, so the effect may be different. Start experimenting, and have fun!
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